Vou postar alguns vídeos da Wendy facilmente encontrados no YouTube
Wendy Rule - Hecate [Labyrinth Masq.ball melbourne 2008]
Wendy Rule - Artemis
Wendy Rule - Animus
Wendy Rule - Creator-Destroyer [Creator-Destroyer is a dark, powerfully evocative song from Wendy Rule's last CD release "The Wolf Sky". The live parts of the music video were shot on the East Coast during Wendy's 2005 U.S.Tour.]
3vezes3: O lado sombrio da lua. Aquela que cria & Aquele que dança. Este Blog é uma expressão dos pensamentos mágicos perdidos na névoa virtual.
quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2009
Wendy Rule - The Lotus Eaters

Wendy Rule - The Lotus Eaters
Wendy Rule - Os Comedores de Lótus
Wendy Rule - Os Comedores de Lótus
Sobre um paisagem de sons oceânicos flutuam o vibrafone e o violoncelo na agitação dos vocais que Wendy Rule tornou-se conhecida. Ancorado no antigo mito grego de Odysseus, esta extraordinária coleção de sons ricamente emotivos é tão belamente profunda quanto o oceano propriamente dito. A viagem começa com a épica faixa de abertura, Horses - an ode to the spirit of Freedom - [Cavalos - um hino ao espírito de liberdade] - antes de lançar em uma viagem onde encontramos as muitas faces da Deusa veiculada através das sutis e belas letras de Wendy, a partir do anseio de Penelope e da tristeza de Calypso, a sabedoria de Circe e os selvagens e obscuros ritmos de Hecate.
Over an oceanic soundscape of vibraphone and cello floats the swirling vocals that Wendy Rule has become renowned for. Anchored in the ancient Greek myth of Odysseus, this extraordinary collection of richly emotive siren Songs is as beautifully deep as the ocean itself. The journey begins with the epic opening track, Horses – an ode to the spirit of Freedom – before launching into a journey where we meet the many faces of the Goddess conveyed through Wendy’s subtle and beautiful lyrics, from the yearning of Penelope and the sorrow of Calypso, to the wisdom of Circe and the wild dark rhythms of Hecate
Faixas - Tracks:
1. Horses (8.02)
2. Everywhere and Nowhere (5.25)
3. Penelope (3.50)
4. My Heart is Like an Open Flower (1.22)
5. Strange Little Soul Bird (2.55)
6. The Lotus Eaters (5.42)
7. La Femme de la Mer (4.53)
8. Circe (2.41)
9. Hecate (4.07)
10. Ulysses (2.08)
11. Calypso (6.44)
12. The Water (5.09)13. Come to the Lake (3.59)
14. The Raven Song (3.27)
15. Descend to the Ocean (6.20)
Produced by Wendy Rule & Siiri Metsar
Recorded and mixed by Siiri Metsar at Metropolis Studios, Melbourne.
Mastered by Martin Pullan at Edensound, Melbourne.
Photography and front cover digital imaging by Craig Shell.
Graphic design and booklet digital imaging by Black Widow Graphic Design.
Recording:2" 24-track analogue, no NRAdditional digital tracking on ProTools
Mixing:100% digital (Protools) to 20-bit stereo
Tamanho: 60,1 Mb
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