3vezes3: O lado sombrio da lua. Aquela que cria & Aquele que dança. Este Blog é uma expressão dos pensamentos mágicos perdidos na névoa virtual.

quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2009

Wendy Rule - Deity


An epic journey into the world of the Triple Goddess, Deity is a celebration of the cycles of life and death. Wendy’s extraordinary voice works its magic, plunging you into dark despair before guiding you into brilliant sunshine. Layered with cello, violin, and rich percussion, the songs are deeply spiritual and insightful. With lyrics that explore the themes of ancient Greek Mythology, Deity reminds us of the collective human journey of Life, Death, and Rebirth.

Released in 1998
Produced by Simon Polinski at Periscope, Melbourne
Featuring Rachel Samuel (cello)
And Craig Patterson (keyboards)

1 Deity 5:14
2 Think of the Day 6:15
3 Open My Senses 6:47
4 Danse Macabre 5:41
5 Artemis 3:58
6 Shine 3:51
7 Bliss 4:26 8 Full Moon in Scorpio 5:38
9 Oh How I Dreamed 5:00
10 Night Sea Journey 5:33

Senha: AustWiz

2 comentários:

  1. Oi, adorei seu blog!
    Pode postar novamente o Deity? Deu file not found¬¬
    Se puder agradeço.
    BB! )O(

  2. Olá Aldrilha, estarei colocando-o até o final da semana.


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3vezes3 de Hecatus Refelibel - Fabiano Vieira é licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs.
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